Student Opportunities

Job shadows, observations and internships

Aspirus St. Luke's is proud to offer students opportunities to learn about careers in health care. Student requests are coordinated through Aspirus St. Luke's Education Department.

A hugh school student observer in scrubs. Job ShadowA job shadow is a 8-hour or less experience for a student to shadow a healthcare professional one-on-one in the hospital or ancillary setting.Learn More

A male student in scrubs. ObservationAn observation experience is when a student comes to observe a certain role as part of a university/college program application requirement.Learn More

A student in scrubs. InternshipAn internship is an organized experience that extends over several weeks. This allows the student to experience one or several different areas of healthcare. Learn More

Two Aspirus St. Luke's nursing interns in the Aspirus St. Luke's ICU Nursing Student OpportunitiesHands-on learning is essential for becoming a great nurse. That’s why Aspirus St. Luke's offers several opportunities for nursing students. Learn More

A Aspirus St. Luke's volunteer in Aspirus St. Luke's Emergency Department. VolunteeringGet valuable healthcare experience while making a difference in the lives of colleagues and patients.
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