
Aspirus St. Luke's employees can find quick links to employment information and resources below.

Aspirus St. Luke's Employee COVID-19 Protocols

COVID-19 Infection
If an employee has tested positive for COVID-19, they should report to Occ Health by completing the below form. Please note: It is your responsibility to notify your supervisor directly if you miss any shifts due to illness, including COVID-19. Fill out the COVID reporting form, but also call in sick for any missed shifts and inform your manager of your expected return date. If your return date changes, please provide an update to your manager as soon as possible. Thank you for helping us maintain clear communication!

Report a COVID-19 Infection

COVID-19 Symptoms
Employees experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, may return to work if they:

  • Have a negative at-home COVID test
  • Are fever free
  • Are feeling well enough to work

A mask should be worn at all times while at work until symptoms have resolved.

COVID-19 Exposures
Employees who have had an exposure to COVID-19 may work if they do not have symptoms. At-home testing is recommended immediately (but not earlier than 24 hours after the exposure) and, if negative, employee should test every 48 hours, for a total of 3 tests.

If employee develops symptoms at any time, they should test immediately. A mask should be worn at all times while at work until their final test is complete.

If you have additional questions, please contact Aspirus St. Luke's Human Resources at 218.249.5387 or Aspirus St. Luke's Occupational Health at 218.249.6822.

Colleague Stories

Our team is unique, compassionate and strong. Learn more about your incredible colleagues at slhduluth.com/EmployeeTestimonials.

Current Openings
Know someone who you’d think would be a good fit? Refer them! View Aspirus St. Luke's career information here.