Immediate Care Options

Same day care when you need it

We provide quick and convenient immediate care options.

If you or a family member is experiencing a life-threatening injury or illness, call 911.

Blue graphic with text reading "Primary Care. Preventive care and chronic issues." Bullet points read: "General health issues. Screenings and vaccines. Referrals to specialty care." Light blue bar reads "Appointment." Button reads "Learn More"
Blue graphic with text reading "Primary Care Plus. Same day appointments and walk-in care for minor issues and preventive care." Bullet points read: "Sports physicals, wellness checks, x-rays and basic lab testing." Light blue bar reads "Appointments and Walk-In." Button reads "Learn More"
Blue graphic with text reading "eCare. Virtual care for minor issues." Bullet points read: "Cold, cough and flu. Eye infections. Sore throat." Light blue bar reads "Virtual, On-Demand Care." Button reads "Learn More"
Blue graphic with text reading "QCare. Quick walk-in care for minor issues." Bullet points read: "UTIs, Rashes, Flu or COVID testing." Light blue bar reads "Walk-In." Button reads "Learn More"
Blue graphic with text reading "Urgent Care. Walk-in care for significant, but not life threatening, injuries and illnesses." Bullet points read: "Minor cuts and sprains, broken bones, x-rays and basic lab testing." Light blue bar reads "Walk-In." Button reads "Learn More"
Blue graphic with text reading "Emergency Care. Rapid care for serious and life-threatening injuries or illnesses." Bullet points read: "Chest pain, uncontrolled bleeding, poisoning." Light blue bar reads "24/7Walk-In." Button reads "Learn More"

Still unsure?
We understand that it's not always clear where to turn when health concerns arise. If you need guidance on which immediate care option to choose for non-emergency needs, we're here to help. Call us at 218.249.4000.

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