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Safe Sleep Practices for Infants

Reducing the risk of SUIDs and SIDs in Duluth

With more than 3,500 infant sleep-related deaths in the United States each year, safe sleep practices are a significant concern. At Aspirus St. Luke's, we are dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of every infant in our care.

We are proud to have earned silver level recognition from the National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program, demonstrating our commitment to best practices and education on safe sleep for infants.

What are SUIDs and SIDS?

SUIDs (Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths) is a broad term that includes various causes of sudden and unexpected deaths in infants under 1 year old, typically occurring during sleep.

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is a specific type of SUID characterized by the sudden and unexplained death of an otherwise healthy infant under 1 year old, with no identifiable cause after investigation.

What is the National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program?

The National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program was established by Cribs for Kids, the nation’s foremost infant safe sleep organization. Aspirus St. Luke's proudly became the first healthcare organization in the state to achieve this prestigious honor in 2017. This certification recognizes our adherence to safe sleep guidelines recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the education we provide for both our employees and families.

What are the best practices for infant safe sleep?

We teach parents of newborns the ABCs of Safe Sleep:

  • A: Alone
    Infants should sleep alone, without the presence of other people, pillows, blankets, or stuffed animals in their sleep environment.
  • B: on my Back
    Infants should be placed on their backs when sleeping, not on their stomach or side.
  • C: in my Crib
    Infants should sleep in a crib, bassinet, or portable crib that meets safety standards, not on soft surfaces such as adult beds, sofas or cushions.

At our Birthing Center, we’ll guide you through the ABCs of safe infant sleep. Discover more about our comprehensive services at the Birthing Center today.