Lake View CEO Honored for Work for Sexual Assault Victims

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Jo Ann Hoag, who is CEO of Lake View and Vice President of Regional Development for St. Luke'sLake View CEO Jo Ann Hoag has been honored for her "instrumental" contributions to PAVSA's sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) program.

Hoag, who is a registered nurse and has been involved with the SANE program since its inception, received a service award for her work at the annual art auction fundraiser for PAVSA (Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault).

PAVSA's executive director, Candy Harsher, said: "Jo Ann was extremely instrumental in the formation and implementation of the PAVSA SANE Program. She played an integral role in the formation of PAVSA's hospital advisory group and has provided encouragement, support, and her personal knowledge of the medical system to our SANE program."

Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault is a nonprofit rape crisis center in southern St. Louis County that helps area residents cope with the aftermath of sexual violence. For more on the valuable work performed by PAVSA, click here: