Aspirus St. Luke's Hosts First Time Critical Conference

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Time Critical Conference FlyerAspirus St. Luke's Hosts Time Critical Conference: Multidisciplinary Teamwork in Time Critical Cases

WHEN: Friday, March 2

WHERE: Pier B Resort, 800 West Railroad Street, Duluth

TIME: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

WHO: Cases and Lead Presenters:

STEMI/Cardiogenic Shock – Leif Christianson, MD, FACC, St. Luke’s Cardiology Associates

Amniotic Fluid Embolism – Aimee VanStraaten, MD, FACOG, St. Luke’s Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates

Multi-System Trauma with Ventricular Rupture – John Bollins, DO, St. Luke’s Surgical Associates

To the Cath Lab for Acute Ischemic Stroke – Morgan Althoen, MD, St. Luke’s Consulting Radiologists

WHAT: St. Luke’s is pleased to host its first Time Critical Conference: Multidisciplinary Teamwork in Time Critical Cases. This case based conference is designed to provide a diverse audience of health care providers with a comprehensive update on existing and new treatment guidelines for management of patients with a time critical illness or injury.

Case presentations will focus on common and uncommon cardiac, neurologic, traumatic and obstetrical emergencies, where every minute counts. This engaging conference will include case presentations, as well as panel discussions that will highlight the importance of multi-disciplinary teamwork and communication throughout systems of care.