Aspirus St. Luke's to Host Community Organ Donation Awareness Event

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Presentation and flag raising ceremony to honor organ, tissue and eye donation

WHEN: Friday, April 12, 2019

WHERE: Outside St. Luke’s Pavilion Building, 920 East First Street, Duluth

TIME: 12 p.m. flag raising ceremony in honor of Organ Donation Awareness Month

WHO: Karen Sidorowicz, RN, BSN, CCRN, St. Luke’s Nurse Manager of Critical Care, Respiratory Care and Sleep Disorders Center
Katelyn Wilson, RN, BSN, BSW, LifeSource Clinical Hospital Coordinator

WHAT: St. Luke’s will host a community event recognizing the importance of organ, tissue and eye donation. The event will include a flag raising ceremony honoring donors for their generous gifts of life and sight.

In the United States, there are more than 113,000 men, women and children on the waiting list for a life-saving transplant. To learn more about donation and to sign up as a donor, visit