Aspirus St. Luke's Regional Trauma Center Offers Stop the Bleed Training to Help Save Lives

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St. Luke’s Regional Trauma Center The person who’s right beside a bleeding victim may be the person who’s most likely to save them. That’s why St. Luke’s Regional Trauma Center is taking steps to educate the public with some life-saving Stop the Bleed training opportunities.

St. Luke’s Regional Trauma Center is also highlighting the importance of the Stop the Bleed initiative as part of Stop the Bleed Month and Stop the Bleed Day, which is on Thursday, May 21. People have a better shot at surviving serious injuries if someone near them knows how to control serious bleeding.

“So many people are staying home during the pandemic, but serious injuries are still happening,” St. Luke’s Trauma Program Manager Jane Smalley said. “Knowing how to use one’s hands, or something from home such as a t-shirt or towel, to apply pressure to a bleeding wound, how to pack a wound to control bleeding, and how to correctly apply a tourniquet can empower people to save a life.”

St. Luke’s will offer Stop the Bleed training classes for 10 people or less, which meet health and safety guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19. To learn more contact Smalley at 218.249.5458 or