The Dos and Don’ts of Sharing Food During a Pandemic

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Sharing food is a great way to show the people around you that you care. However, sharing germs and viruses is probably something that you do not want to do.

Currently there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be transmitted through food, food containers, or food packaging. However, like other viruses, it is possible that the virus that causes COVID-19 can survive on surfaces or objects.

Here are a few tips to think about when sharing food to keep your friends and family healthy.

1. Do wash your hands.

Washing your hands frequently and properly is one of the best ways you can prevent the spread of germs and viruses. This is especially important when touching food. Be sure to follow these steps after using the restroom, as well as before and after you handle food:

  • Wet your hands with clean water.
  • Lather your hands with soap.
  • Scrub your hands, being sure to get all your fingers’ cracks and crevices.
  • Rinse your hands with clean water.
  • Dry your hands with a disposable hand towel.
  • Be careful of touching doorknobs and sinks after your hands are washed!

2. Do share pre-packaged goodies.

If you are concerned about contamination of food or food packaging, share foods that are pre-packaged. This way, the food itself won’t be handled by potentially soiled hands. Just be sure to disinfect the packaging and wash your hands before enjoying.

3. Don’t share drinks.

There is really no safe way to drink from the same container as someone else without putting them at risk of getting your germs. Because of this, it is recommended that you do not drink out of the same container as someone else, even if you’re both healthy. Instead, pour the drink into smaller, disinfected cups or just enjoy separate beverages together (socially distanced, of course!).

4. Don’t eat with others if you’re not feeling well.

If you’re not feeling well, stay home and don’t eat with others until you are fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicines. If you don’t have a fever, avoid contact with other people until your symptoms have improved.

If you have flu symptoms, do this at least 4-5 days after the onset of symptoms. People with the flu are most contagious during the first 3 days of their illness.

Compassionate health care in Duluth

If you still have questions about what is safe and healthy, you can always talk to your primary care provider. If you don’t have a primary care provider, establish care at St. Luke’s. Our team of experienced and knowledgeable medical staff provides high-quality care to people throughout the region. To establish care with a St. Luke’s primary care provider, call 218.249.4000 or find a clinic near you.