Aspirus St. Luke's Top Baby Names

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St. Luke's BabyDespite the ongoing pandemic, there were plenty of sweet blessings bestowed on Northland families in 2021.

At St. Luke’s, more than 800 babies were born to families from December 2020 through November 2021. The most popular names for girls this year were Hazel (6), and Charlotte, Mila/Myla and Nora (5 each).

For the boys, there was a tie for the most popular name. Seven Ashers and seven Olivers arrived at St Luke’s. Parents also got creative with their children’s names, naming tiny new Apollos, Elfriedas, Tillmans and Winnifreds. Other great names included everything from Atlas to Ziibi and some precious little gems like Amethyst and Ruby.

If you’re interested in delivering your own bundle of joy or learning more about the great services offered at St. Luke’s Birthing Center visit