Aspirus St. Luke's to Host Virtual Classes on Advanced Care Planning & Creating a Healthcare Directive

Category: News Releases
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Honoring Choices

Tuesday, February 9: 4:30 p.m.

Tuesday, March 9: 4:30 p.m.

Tuesday, April 13: 4:30 p.m.

Duluth, Minn. – St. Luke’s is providing Northlanders with a chance to learn more about a subject that’s important, but not always easy to discuss.

On Tuesday, February 9, St. Luke’s is offering virtual classes on advanced care planning and how to create a healthcare directive. Creating a healthcare directive eases the decision-making process for your loved ones. Plus, it ensures your wishes are respected if you are ever unable to communicate them yourself. Attending one of these classes provides an opportunity to learn about this legal written document and will help you move forward in creating your own.

This class is offered on different days to make it easier for people to attend. Each class is an hour and a half long, and you only need to attend one. The class is offered as part of St. Luke’s involvement with the Honoring Choices community initiative. St. Luke’s Hospice Social Worker Sonja Winder will be leading the classes.

Classes are free, and registration is required to receive a Zoom invitation. To learn more and register, visit