Aspirus St. Luke's Weekly COVID-19 Vaccine Update

Category: News Releases
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COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccines Available - Offering Pfizer to those 12+

Offering Janssen/Johnson & Johnson to those 18+

WHEN: Week of June 21, 2021

TIME: Monday: Closed

Tuesday: 7 am – 1 pm

Wednesday: 9 am – 3 pm

Thursday: 1 – 7 pm, Plus, 8-11 am at St. Luke’s Denfeld Medical Clinic

Friday-Sunday: Closed

WHERE: St. Luke’s COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic, corner of 9th Avenue E. & 1st Street

St. Luke’s Denfeld Medical Clinic, 4702 Grand Avenue, Duluth

WHAT: St. Luke’s is offering the COVID-19 Vaccine to those who would like to be vaccinated. Depending on your age, you can get the Pfizer or Janssen/Johnson & Johnson vaccine. To get the vaccine, you simply need to walk in or you can call ahead to schedule an appointment at 218.249.4200.