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Health Equity Northland Offers Presentation on Mental Health Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Youth & Young Adults

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Mental Health Presentation

Health Equity Northland is helping people get a better understanding of the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the mental health of youth and young adults.

Thursday, March 25, Health Equity Northland will be hosting a virtual presentation with St. Luke’s Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist Judith Christianson, MD, the Duluth Counseling Center’s Charles Fai, MA, and the University of Minnesota Duluth’s Health Services Counselor Nomcebo Nkosi, MED, LPC.

They will discuss how the past year of the pandemic is affecting the mental well-being of children, adolescents and young adults. Plus, the experts will share recommendations for children who are struggling, including helpful strategies you can use at home.

This is a free public information session. Olihe Okoro, Ph.D, MPH, MPharm, assistant professor at the Department of Pharmacy from the University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth will moderate the discussion.

To attend the event, use the Zoom meeting information below.

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