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University of Minnesota Recognizes Aspirus St. Luke's Pharmacy as Clinical Training Site of Excellence

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St. Luke's Pharmacy TeamSt. Luke’s Pharmacy is honored to be recognized as one of the 2021 University of Minnesota Office of Academic Clinical Affairs (OACA) Clinical Training Sites of Excellence.

The University of Minnesota’s health science leaders nominate clinical partners they feel go above and beyond in their support of learners. The award was earned because of St. Luke’s Pharmacy’s exceptional support of health science learners at the University of Minnesota and its partnership with the school.

“This is very exciting,” St. Luke’s Director of Pharmacy Gina Lemke said. “I am so proud of my team and their commitment to teaching, even throughout this challenging pandemic. The College has had many new rotations and our preceptors have stepped up to answer the call.”

Recipients of the Clinical Training Sites of Excellence Award are recognized for their excellence in the following areas:

  • Creativity and/or flexibility
  • Role modeling and/or driving positive change
  • Transparency, communication and collaboration