Aspirus St. Luke's to Start Offering COVID-19 Booster Shot to 5 to 11-Year-Olds

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St. Luke's COVID-19 VaccineSt. Luke’s is now offering appointments for COVID-19 booster shots for kids aged 5 to 11-years old, following the CDC’s recent approval. The booster can be given five months after completing the child’s initial series. St. Luke’s is offering booster appointments at St. Luke’s Pediatric Associates in Building A in Duluth and at Chequamegon Clinic in Ashland.

  • In the Twin Ports, COVID-19 booster appointments can be booked directly using the child’s myCare Patient Portal account or by calling the COVID-19 vaccine scheduling line at 218.249.4200.
  • In Ashland, appointments can be made by calling 715.685.6600.

For more information, visit