Aspirus St. Luke's Offers CPR Kits to Community Organizations

Category: News Releases
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In partnership with the American Heart Association, St. Luke’s is giving away 80 CPR Training Kits, complete with instructional video and booklet, and an inflatable reusable training mini-Anne.

St. Luke’s is excited about the opportunity to improve life-saving CPR skills in our region and will distribute kits to organizations who are committed to educating their employees/members/volunteers in this important skill.

  • CPR Kit Request Qualifications:
  • St. Luke’s is distributing one kit per organization with 10-50 employees/members/volunteers.
  • Organizations with 50+ employees/members/volunteers may request up to 2 kits.
  • Organizations must be based in or have a location in Northeastern Minnesota or Northwestern Wisconsin.
  • To request kit(s), email and briefly share:
    • Why these kits will have an impact on your organization and/or the community your organization serves.
    • The anticipated number of employees/members/volunteers who will receive CPR training using the kit(s) in the next 12 months.
  • Kits will be distributed to qualifying organizations in the order that requests are received.
  • Applicant must be 18+ years old to request kit(s).