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Hassan Salameh,MBBS,MBBS

Primary Service
  • Nephrology
Areas of Interest Glomerulonephritis and secondary hypertension

Board certifications:
Internal Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine, Jordan Board of Internal Medicine
Nephrology, American Board of Internal Medicine.
Certified Hypertension Specialist, American Hypertension Specialist Certification Program (AHSCP).
Qualification in Apheresis (QIA), American Society of Clinical Pathology


Authors: Salameh H, Abu Omar M, Alhariri A, Sood K, Qasem A, Bin Abdulhak A.
Title: Adult Post Kidney Transplant Familial Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Successfully Treated with Eculizumab: A Case Report and Literature Review.
Published in: American Journal of Therapeutics. 2016;23(4):e1110-5.

Authors: Mustafa RA, Bdair F, Akl EA, Garg AX, Thiessen-Philbrook H, Salameh H, et al.
Title: Effect of Lowering the Dialysate Temperature in Chronic Hemodialysis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Published in: Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology. CJASN. 2016;11(3):442-57.

Authors: Zubair AS, Salameh H, Erickson SB, Prieto M.
Title: Loin pain hematuria syndrome.
Published in: Clinical Kidney Journal. 2016;9(1):128-34.

Authors: Said SM, Cosio FG, Valeri AM, Leung N, Sethi S, Salameh H, Cornell LD , Fidler ME , Alexander MP , Fervenza FC , Drosou ME , Zhang D , D’Agati VD and Nasr SH.
Title: Proliferative glomerulonephritis with monoclonal immunoglobulin G deposits is associated with high rate of early recurrence in the allograft.
Published in: Kidney International. 2018;94(1):159-169.