Theresa Starkey, MD

Primary Service
  • Adult Hospital Medicine
Additional Services Hospitalist
Internal Medicine
  • Internal Medicine, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN
  • Family Practice, St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center, St. Paul, MN
Medical School
  • Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
  • BA History; BS Secondary Education, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Board certification
Internal Medicine, The American Board of Internal Medicine

Philosophy of care
“I feel the mind and the body must work together in healing, just like the entire health team, including the patient, must work together to enable that healing. Medicine is a team sport.”

“I am from Indianapolis, Indiana and will always be a Hoosier, but consider myself a transplanted Minnesotan now, with over 25 years of residence.”

“We own a farm and raise a small herd of British White Cattle, as well as organic chickens. I spend many happy hours on my tractor cutting and baling hay. I also enjoy golfing and biking. To complete our busy life, we enjoy hosting the grandchildren and other family members.”