Preparing for Your DOT Exam

Preparing for an efficient DOT exam

We recommend scheduling your DOT exam at least 2 weeks prior to your current card expiring. If you have a complex medical history, we recommend at least 4 weeks.

What to bring to your DOT appointment:

  • Driver’s License
  • Glasses or contacts, if applicable
  • Hearing aids, if applicable.
    • If you have had a hearing test through an audiologist in the past 12 months, please bring the results.
  • Current medication list
  • Copy of your A1c if you are diabetic
  • Copy of your CPAP compliance report if you have sleep apnea
  • Copy of your most recent stress test if you’ve had a heart attack, stent, or cardiac bypass surgery.

These are some of the things that will be addressed during your appointment:

  • Hearing: You must be able to pass a forced whisper test from 5 feet away, with or without hearing aids.
  • Vision: Distance vision, with or without correction, must be at least 20/40 in each eye. Bring your glasses or contacts to your exam, even if you do not wear them all of the time.
  • Blood Pressure: Your blood pressure must be 140/90 or lower. If you are on medications for BP, be sure to take them as prescribed. Try to avoid excess caffeine prior to your appointment as it can cause an increase in BP.
  • Diabetes: Bring a copy of your most recent hemoglobin A1c test. This should be current within the last year, and ideally within the past 3 months.
    • If you are on insulin, you must have your treating provider complete paperwork within 45 days PRIOR to your DOT exam. Please call Occ Health for the paperwork.
  • Sleep Apnea: If you are treated with CPAP, be compliant and bring a copy of a current 90 date compliance report to your DOT examination appointment.
    • If you have previously been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea requiring CPAP use and you believe that you no longer require CPAP, you must have a follow-up sleep study to confirm that you no longer have significant obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Heart Disease: If you have had a heart attack, stent, or cardiac bypass surgery, you may need to have an exercise stress test every 2 years. This should be ordered by your treating provider. If you are unsure if you need one, please contact Occupational Health to discuss.
  • We cannot cover all situations: These are the most common issues that arise as part of the DOT medical examination.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the DOT Exam, please do not hesitate to call and ask to speak to our DOT Certified Federal Examiners.

If you take insulin, carry a state or federal waiver/exemption, or have a vision issue that is not correctable, please call Occ Health right away to discuss.

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