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Driving Rehabilitation Program

Aspirus St. Luke's Occupational Therapy offers a medically based driving rehabilitation program that begins with a clinical skills assessment and may include a behind-the-wheel assessment.

Clinical Skills Assessment
Where can I schedule this assessment?

  • Aspirus St. Luke's Lakeview Building, Duluth
  • Aspirus St. Luke's Hibbing Family Medical Clinic, Hibbing
  • Lake View Hospital, Two Harbors

What is the cost?

  • The cost is typically covered by Medicare or other insurance.

What will happen during the assessment?

  • Your vision, thinking, skills and physical motor control will be tested
  • Your medical and driving history will be reviewed
  • The Driving Risk Calculator will be used to interpret the testing results

What will happen with the results of the assessment?

  • If four moderate risk scores or one high-risk score is identified, a behind-the-wheel assessment will be recommended.
  • Occupational therapy may be recommended.

Behind-the-Wheel Assessment
You must complete a clinical skills assessment prior to a behind-the-wheel assessment.

Where can I schedule this assessment?

  • A list of vendors that provide behind-the-wheel assessments will be given to you following the completion of the clinical skills assessment.

What is the cost?

  • The cost is $200 if you choose the Northland Driving School in Duluth as your behind-the-wheel assessor.

What do I need for the assessment?

  • A valid driver’s license is required (permit or limited license). If you do not have a license or permit, the driving instructor can help you get one for the assessment.

Will I be using my own vehicle?

  • No. A driver training vehicle will be used.

What will happen with the results of the assessment?

  • The results of the behind-the-wheel assessment will be provided to the referring physician to file with the state.
  • Occupational therapy may be recommended.

Referral required for this service. If you need one, talk to your primary care provider.

To establish care with a Aspirus St. Luke's primary care provider, call 218.249.4000 or find a clinic near you.

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